?Original Building and Gymnasium Wing and Classroom Addition - Flat roofs with built-up membrane
Technology Wing - Pitched “shed” roof with standing seam metal roof panels
Zoning: DR 5.5
Rent: $13.75/SF NNN
Parking: 173 spaces in open lots. Shared parking stalls with adjacent church and various parish buildings
Year Built: Phase I - 1956 / Phase II - 1962 / Phase III - 1999
R.E. Taxes: Tax Exempt
Parcel Size: 13.45 acres
Heating/HVAC: Central heating system with gas-fired hot water boilers and circulating pumps serving conveyor units and hot water baseboard units. High capacity hot water air handling units in classroom addition, basement and gymnasium mezzanine. Electric split system air handlers and fan coil units with pad and roof-mounted condensers.
Electrical/Power: The main electrical service consists of one, 400-amp, and one, 500-amp, 120/208 volt three-phase four-wire alternating current (AC) services and one, 1,0000-amp, 120/240 volt single-phase three-wire alternating current (AC) service. The electrical wiring is copper, installed in metallic conduit. Circuit breaker panels are located throughout the building.
Fire & Life/Safety: Hydrants, smoke detectors, alarms, extinguishersand Wet-chemical cooking area fire suppression system.